Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mushroom Moments

One thing about me is I love to learn,
I'm always looking for the lessons in life,
Always searching for the connections and creating meanings.
I'm kinda crazy that way. haha

Thing is, the story behind these Mushrooms completely stumped me!

I was searching for the meaning online..
What do they mean?
What is their symbolism?
How can I relate this to my life?

What I found...
There is a magical essence to them that gives life to a world of fairies, sprites and all things whimsical.  They also symbolize the cycle of life, the feminine spirit, and fertility.

While this could relate to me on some level, it just wasn't clicking.. there was something more to be learned that I couldn't quite see.

It wasn't until I saved these photos to my computer and opened them with new eyes that I could understand.  What I love most about this experience is that I've stopped to find my own inner wisdom by asking myself.. 

What did this mean to me when I took it, how did I feel? 
What can I learn from the actual situation that was right in front of me?  

Someone I love deeply claimed.. "Sometimes what we're searching for is right in front of us!"
Go figure! 
Who woulda thought! lol

Well that someone was the one who encouraged the child spirit in me to shine through. To capture the moment, and in doing so love was shared between us as he could appreciate all of who I am. Not to mention, it was a push and a step forward in trusting my intuition, and taking Action in the Moment.

For that mushroom moment, I am thankful

However small it may seem.. 
it means the world to me NOW. 

PS~ Sorry for the grammar mistakes.. I'm not perfect. :p

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Launching Point

Let's be honest, it's been some time since I've posted on this page... in part I've focused my business energy on my facebook page (which I encourage you to visit and "like") and in part a whole lotta other "stuff" and reasons why.. blah .. blah .. blah

So lets be Frank..
This. IS. ME.. (but I'm Tracy ;)
Stepping up and out of my comfort zone

Yeah I'm a dork at times. haha

I'm ready to show up in the world in a new way, in the way I've always wanted to be, and through my mentors, and supportive friends & family I've found the courage to do so.  I am eternally grateful to ALL of you. xo

There have been so many times when my negative self chatter would stop me from taking action in the direction of how I am  meant to serve others.  It wasn't until I pushed through many of my internal blocks that I am now able to put myself out into the world in a more confident and empowering way. (Yikes!!)

Even now I struggle with not wanting to put this "out there".. and so I know it must be done.

So as a new launching point I would like to share a small story with you...

Through the eyes of my three year old son our world appears to be very, very different. 
A mere hill is considered a MOUNTAIN &,
A group of bushes = a FoReSt

This perspective made me stop to think...
I used to make MOUNTAINS out of mole hills in the sense of daily life stresses, living in the busyness of the "Alberta dream" (making oober amounts of $$ and working my a$$ off)

Yet from my son's view.. from way.. down.. there...
A sense of Accomplishment could emerge &
An excitement of exploring new places

I absolutely delight in the way my son constantly shows me how life is really meant to be lived.

So I ask you.. Where in your 9 to 5 life can you find the sense of wonder and whimsical energy?
For me I find it in the connections, more on that to come... ;)

With Love,

My wish for you is to see the simple gift of joy today brings.