Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Darlene is in a fantastic transformational stage of her life... from Accountant to Energy Healer.  I can relate to some degree in the transition it takes to go from what I consider a left brain way of being to the right brain, or to simply become more balanced.  

Not to mention, stepping more and more into who we are meant to become to serve the people in our lives and to heal the planet.  It's no small matter. 

There is no mistake of Darlene's journey, this woman has a gentle and nurturing nature along with a solid grounding.  She is so very energy aware and receptive to what others are experiencing.  I wish her the greatest of success in sharing her lovely gifts as an Energy Healer.  

I'm so thrilled with the results of our time together, we set some intentions, brought out the best in each other and rocked this shoot.

You can find out more about Darlene Speager here.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Wow who knew that writing a blog post could be such a daunting task and yet an amazing life lesson.  I've been working with a yoga and writing coach the last 2 years (www.languageofyoga.com) and through working with Michele I not only discovered who I am, but also that my words matter. This is pretty big for me. 
Although since I've found this empowering place within myself I still struggle in worrying what to say, how to say it, how it will be received..blah blah blah.  and in doing so I've become stagnant with my blog which really sucks because the obvious of not getting my work out there for others to see. 
So what I've learned is to just let go, let go of the ideas of getting this right and perfect.. because I'm not and really all I want to do is Celebrate the beauty of the people I've photographed in the later part of 2013 and to share a few touching stories of how these amazing people made a difference in my life.

So here I go in my imperfectness. :P 

The Ratson family.. what a treasure!
It was when I had put all the photos together to present to the couple that I felt so deeply rewarded by what I do. The tears of joy this mother had in seeing the beauty of her family was more precious beyond words.  I will never forget that moment.

Jill came to me for my creative vision, and to capture Exactly who she is in her profession as a business and marketing coach.  Professional, honest, and no non sense kinda woman, this super savvy lady gives amazing business advice.  You can find her at... www.jbcrossland.com

Oh dear Michelle, I love the joy and light you bring to life.  Both Michelle and I are what she calls divinely guided and we really get a kick out of finding the signs in everyday moments.(example noted above)  If you ask me, it makes life so much more fun, you should try it out. ;)  Michelle is a coach and She works with people who are ready to know their heart, trust themselves, and to find their joy. www.lilatree.com 

JOYFUL Leona brings a creative flare in finding simple ways to make life fun and enjoyable.  Her energy is contagious and you cannot help but feel excitement over a small gesture or creative idea to make life better.  Find out more about Leona's coaching services here, www.accendoconsulting.ca.

Lovely Ramona Remesat, an Angel Therapy Practitioner, Reiki Master and all around amazing spiritual teacher.  She is so in tune with her intuition and is a wonderful example of how we create exactly what we focus on.  Set the intention and it will be.  www.connect2yourangels.com

Leah has been one of a few who have supported me through some pretty rough waters.  For me she has been the warrior of light, guiding me through the darkness by gently loving the dark and not fighting it but accepting what is.  Some very powerful work can be accomplished with this woman.  www.leahhalvorsen.com

The deeply rooted soul this woman has is truly awe inspiring.  I had the pleasure to photograph Linda for her homoeopathie practice (www.xerion.ca) and to showcase her compassionate nature as a doctor.  The magic really began to soar when she began to play the piano and sing, it was an honour to expereience and to photograh her passions for life.

I always love getting my baby fix, this shoot however was double the fun and my first newborn twin shoot ever! 
What I love about this image is it depicts a papa's love, his strength to carry the weight of his two little girls and beautiful wife.  Although he was shy to be photographed I feel I revealed this fathers masculine energy at it's finest. 

As a final note on this writing experience, I find myself finishing up in the early hours when I was deeply inspired and the words began to burn to come out... I think I'm onto something here and I can't wait to see where things lead me. 
What lies behind me, supports me and I am in such gratitude for it all.
The year of the horse is blazing ahead with many blessings and amazing opportunities already.  Watch for my new website to arrive in the Spring 2014.
With Love,