We've been friends for just under a year, and in that time I have witnessed the strength in the way Melissa & Jason embody being a TEAM.
We spent New Years with two other amazing souls and together we created vision boards for the year ahead.
Jason moved forward in a great energy of... "lets get this thing done." He was the first to complete his.. us ladies took weeks before bringing all the pieces together. HA! Goes to show we all move at our own pace, and when we are ahead in a journey we simply become the inspiration or rock for others.
There is such simple wisdom by being in the presence of these two. What I've come to see is a way of maintaining balance, they are equals, they hold strength together and for one another. That strength adjusts itself moment to moment, one more in another through difficult times but.. Always.. Together.. Balanced.
One thing Melissa shared with me is their drive to living a healthy lifestyle. These two are so very committed to working out and eating health, it is a huge inspiration. This to me is what keeps them sustained at being balanced.
These two photos were so much fun, I L0vE the look.. and behind the scenes there were many giggles and laughs. Not everything is so serious, especially when we try to be.
A moment captured.. Just Being.
This is my absolute favourite!
JoYous, Outrageous, FuN!
Simply enjoying one another
With Love