This week I was fortunate enough to take part in Sandy Puc' kids workshop.( It was a smaller group of photographers with a few others from rural Alberta, it was great to make new connections and venture out of my shell.
In the workshop we watched Sandy photograph a live session with 2 siblings, a 6mo old boy and 2 yr old girl. There was so much to gain from this experience, seeing how to efficiently work with children in about half an hr, getting clothing and prop ideas, and I can't forget the new bribery technique. I am now well equipped with so many great and new poses, I can't wait to try them out. ;)
From a business perspective we covered a whole lot of marketing strategies as well as pricing. Sandy suggests the most amazing pricing structure I've heard of called the credit system. What I love about this model is that clients select the images They WANT without having to select from a predetermined print package. As a client you get exactly what you want, I Love It and have already implemented it. I can't wait to hear what my clients think.
At the end of the workshop I mustered up the courage to stay behind and met Sandy! OMG was my heart thudding so hard in my chest when standing in line of a group of people after the show. I knew more than anything that I just had to talk to her, well to be honest there was less talking and more crying haha.
Being such an emotional person at times can have its pit falls, though this is why I had to chat with Sandy. To me she is such a real and genuine person, someone who isn't afraid to show their emotions. She has been a breath of fresh air. While trying to find myself and being okay with who I am, Sandy has shown that her emotions are a beautiful part of who she is. Thank you Sandy for creating the space for me to breath and be okay with who I am.
As if that workshop wasn't enough, I then took part in the Alberta Women Entrepreneurs seminar with Kurian Tharakan of Acton Consulting Ltd. WOW was that ever a great way to get instant feedback on my marketing ideas, and hugely valuable. What a great group of women with amazing vision, I am so inspired and can't wait to get going on putting my baby plan together. I highly suggest these seminars for any Women Entrepreneurs reading this, make sure you check out
Then to tie everything together into a pretty bow my yoga and writing coach Michele Gunderson ( had prompted us to write about our ideal listener, and that's you. . Through my Open Heart I am able to write about these amazing events in my life and more importantly finding my courageous voice and sharing them.
I end this with an amazing quote Sandy gave us. . .
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